What is the difference between the Entry Stock Date and the New Car (NC) Delivery Date?

What is the difference between the Entry Stock Date and the New Car (NC) Delivery Date?

The Entry Stock Date is the estimated date for trade-in of the used vehicle. This value is selected from a drop-down menu when creating a trade-in price file...

NB: This value has a direct impact on the calculation of the guaranteed trade-in price.

The NC delivery date is the delivery date of the new car to your dealership which simultaneously becomes the effective delivery date of the trade-in vehicle. This date is supplied to CarCheck either through a manual or automatic link with your manifacturers supply-chain software.

NB: Any significant time gap between the Entry Stock Date and the NC delivery date when the latter is updated in CarCheck may cause an underlying adjustment in the guaranteed trade-in price when the counter appraisal is performed.